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Becka Wright is a super talented illustrator, self-confessed yarn addict and creator of the wonderful Renee & Burt. Becka's dedication to sustainability and ethical making is awe-inspiring, and here, she tells us all about why she makes.

I have always loved crafting, from a very early age I would spend hours creating polystyrene ornaments that you pin sequins on to; foil scratch pictures, and of course Hama beads! Wow! I am really showing my age aren’t I now?! Yep, I’m a true 90’s baby!

My aim is to inspire people to think differently about their own waste

However, I didn’t delve into the world of knitting and crocheting until I was at university. I was seeing so many designers and makers creating cool things and I wanted to create similar things for myself. It was also a great outlet from university work and was a way for me to do something for myself. From that point on I was hooked on all things fibre craft!

Since my university days, my reasons for making have changed somewhat. I created Renee & Burt a few years ago as a creative outlet and a place I could share my creations and connect with other makers. However, recently I have explored ways to incorporate my other passion – saving the environment – into my work.

Through my creations I explore texture and push the boundaries of yarn by incorporating things that are seen as ‘waste’ into my work. My aim is to inspire people to think differently about their own waste; through my patterns and tutorials empower them with the tools to step away from fast fashion by showing them the joy in creating something for themselves and their loved ones.

Through my creations, I hope to help save the world one stitch at a time.

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