14 wicked DIY Halloween costume ideas
Published on 19 August 2024 4 min read
With Halloween just around the corner, you’re no doubt dreaming up a wicked Halloween costume to wow the trick or treaters with. Whether you’re looking for a terrifying treat for the eyes, or an easy Halloween costume that’ll give you shivers, you’re bound to discover a DIY Halloween costume in our roundup. From costume sewing patterns to creepy crochet costumes, we’ve got the Halloween costume ideas to scream about! Beware, you might just look fangtastic…
1. Fierce and fancy dresses
If you want to be the talk of the ton or give your friends chills this Halloween, you’ll no doubt cast a spell in a home sewn dress! Be diamond of the Halloween season in a Frozen-inspired inspired gown using a costume sewing pattern, or channel your inner entrantress with a witchy number. Leave ‘em haunted girl (in a good way, of course)!

McCall's Misses'/Children's/Girls' Costumes M7000 - Sewing Pattern

Simplicity Children's and Girls' Costumes S9348 - Sewing Pattern

Simplicity Women's, Men and Teen Costumes 1582 - Paper Pattern, Size A (XS-S-M-L-XL)
2. Monstrously marvellous Halloween hats
Conjure up a unique and easy Halloween costume with a simple crochet hat. These crochet costume patterns are great for dressing up at Halloween and can be used for dress up all year round. Pair with your kid’s favourite matching outfit and you’ve got a Halloween outfit good to go!
3. Ship-tacular pirate costume!
Make waves at your Halloween party with a fun pirate costume. Admittedly more argg than ahh, these pirate Halloween costume patterns are perfect for a ship-shape Halloween! Get your hook into a nautical crochet make or stitch up a savvy outfit for a total treasurable costume!
4. Trick or treat kids’ Halloween costume
Coming up with a Halloween costume idea for kids can be gruesome work! But following a kids costume pattern is just the trick and treat! A simple cape or poncho costume can be whipped up in no time and is a perfect last minute Halloween costume idea. If you’ve got time to sprinkle a little bit of magic, try a colourful fairy costume. Or for a creepier costume, why not use spidery tulles and Halloween fabric to create an evil fairy!

Simplicity 8483 Child's Cape Costumes - Paper Pattern, Size A (S-M-L)

Simplicity Children's Poncho Costumes, Hats and Face Masks S9351 - Sewing Pattern

McCall's Children's/Girls' Fairy Costumes M4887 - Sewing Pattern
5. Little monster costume
We don’t want little ones to miss out on the spooky season, especially when baby Halloween costumes are so cute! Create a costume for your little monster with spooktacular and sweet baby patterns. We love the idea of combining these monster baby designs for a scarily good Halloween outfit!
6. Bewitching costume
Be that witch this Halloween with a homemade witches hat and ghoulish green fingers. Simply cast your hocus pocus skill over some yarn and you’ll have a freakishly fantastic costume brewing in no time!
7. Mini me costumes
Couples Halloween costumes are cool but a happy Halloween is a family affair! Coordinating your outfits couldn’t be easier with these family and mini me sewing patterns. Cosplay your favourite Princess duo or clown around together for a freakishly fun Halloween!
8. Feline scary costume
Some say crossing the path of a black cat is unlucky. But it’s a lucky party you attend in this pawsitively fabulous outfit! Choose the deepest, darkest black yarn you can find, and get ready to spook some scaredy-cats!
9. Magical and mythical unicorn costume
Make Halloween magical with a spectacular DIY unicorn costume. Unicorns aren’t known for being scary but we think there's definitely something mysterious about these beautiful creatures! Get your hook into sparkly and metallic yarn to conjure up a wicked unicorn horn!
10. Sweet n’ scary pumpkin costume
These cute pumpkin patterns have us pumped for Halloween. These pumpkin hats will transform jeans and an orange tee into a clever, low-key costume. Another great last minute make to whip up before your Halloween party this year!
11. Creepy Halloween jumper
We love scary Halloween costumes, don’t get us wrong, but sometimes something cosy is just what you need to keep the chills away. A Halloween jumper is the perfect casual Halloween costume and one you can wear all season long!
13. Beware of dog!
Turn your pampered pooch into a werewolf this Halloween with their very own dog costume! Take your pups' pick of knitted and sewing patterns for the outfit that will get the most waggy tail. When we say we’re going trick or treating with our best friend in matching costumes, this is the best friend we mean!