FREE Geo-Hexie crochet tutorial
Published on 3 June 2019 By Emma 2 min read
Emma Friedlander-Collins of Steel and Stitch is a crochet queen who we love. Her designs are fun, playful, and never shy away from colour. Emma is here to share with us the Geo-Hexie tutorial that forms the basis of her 3D Geo Hexie Cushion pattern. It's kind of like an awesome crochet granny square, but it's not square-shaped. This mini tutorial will get you excited to buy the 3D Geo Hexie Cushion pattern and get crocheting!
While writing my last book, I really wanted to make a bold, geometric design, and started hunting down tutorials online. All I could find were patterns where you make 3 separate pieces, sew them all together to make a 3D effect cube, and then sew ALL those together to make your finished fabric.
As an epically lazy maker, this did not appeal at all. So I wondered if there were a way to use colour changing, tapestry style techniques within a granny square. The results were pleasing, but not exactly what I had in mind.
Then lo and behold, while browsing Instagram, a very clever young lady by the name of Loes (aka @Pomenco) had posted a pic of the very same experiment, but using a hexie block instead. I got in touch and she very kindly shared her pattern with me. Then, after a bit of fiddling and working out how to get around having to weave in all those bothersome ends, the final hexie was finished. The pattern was written and published, but the hexie fixation had only just begun!

I've since been working on a hexie blanket using this basic hexie technique and it's gorgeous. A friend was visiting from Berlin a little while ago and upon seeing the hexie blanket WIP, he sneakily tried to pinch it to whizz it back to his chic, city apartment. So as a Christmas present, I made him his very own version, but as a cushion cover. Using a beautiful ombre collection of blues that remind me of the winter sky, this cushion cover has become one of my most popular patterns. So, I thought I’d share the basic hexie pattern with you to get you started! Just in case you have a friend who wants one for their chic, city apartment, that is.
If making the full cushion cover with ombre, the colours are as follows.
Yarn A - Cascade Pacific in Peacock, Dusty Turquoise, Aquamarine & Baby Turquoise
Yarn B - Cascade Pacific in Jet Heather
Yarn C - Cascade Pacific in Silver
- 1 x Cascade Pacific in Aquamarine
- 1 x Cascade Pacific in Jet Heather
- 1 x Cascade Pacific in Silver
- 1 x Cascade Pacific in Peacock
- 1 x Cascade Pacific in Dusty Turquoise
- 1 x Cascade Pacific in Baby Turquoise
- Cascade Pacific
- 5mm hook
- KnitPro Aluminium Soft-Grip Silver Crochet Hook
Basic Geo-Hexie pattern step-by-step:

Let's get started! Using yarn A and a 5mm hook, ch3, ss ends to make loop.

Round 1. Using Yarn A, ch 3, tr into loop, ch2, 2tr into loop. With Yarn B, ch2 *2tr into loop, ch2, 2 tr* rpt in yarn C, ss to finish.

Round 2. Join on in ch sp using matching colour yarn, then work a tr in each st, (tr, ch2, tr) in each ch sp.

Round 3 & 4: rpt round 2
To avoid weaving in all those ends. When you join on a row, draw up your start loop, and then wrap both the working yarn AND the tail around your hook and use them both to make your start chain.
When working a round, hold the tails of the previous round just behind the row of stitches you’re working into, and work your stitch over the top of them, incorporating them into your stitches.
When you turn over to the back of your work, you’ll see that they’ve been worked in, and you can just trim the ends off.
Once you manage to master this core technique, then feel free to play around with colours to explore different colourways. Use this technique to crochet your own 3D Geo Hexie Cushion, or experiment with your own designs to your heart’s content.