Our new year makes!
Published on 24 December 2018 By Meg 5 min read
If there are a few things we're are obsessed with, it’s patterns becoming WIPs, yarn sales, and fuzzy alpacas that give us one of our favourite yarns. We’re self-confessed yarn-o-holics and we just love to share it with everyone who’ll listen. As we look forward to the year ahead, we asked the team what they are going to be knitting, crocheting, and making in 2019 and as you can imagine, the response was huge.
If you’ve always wondered what we get up to, then read on and take a sneak peek at our upcoming makes!

Ella's year of colourwork
When she’s not looking after our designers and coordinating exciting collaborations, Ella is all about her knitting and in 2019, her knits are all about fun, fun, fun! Having spent 2018 focused on sensible and practical makes, Ella is ready for a new and colourful challenge. With her new year’s knit resolution being to make a Guernsey jumper, Ella is declaring 2019 the year of colourwork. With more sewing becoming a part of her crafting, Ella is also hoping to learn to sew her own jeans.
Ilona is getting back to basics
Our social media maverick, Ilona is new to knitting and wants to spend 2019 learning the basics. With basic stitches and fast knit-up chunky yarns on the brain, Ilona’s collection is full of beginner patterns with some serious style. Ilona hopes to knit cosy and chunky knits, perfect for next winter. With many master knitters in the office, we know she’ll be well-supported through her journey into the wonderful world of knitting.
Louise's big stash clear out
Louise has spent years building up her stash and finally thinks it’s the right time to clear out the cupboards and knit her way into the new year. With so many other crafting projects on the go, knitting is always pushed aside for Louise, but with a collection bursting with her favourite independent designers, Louise can’t wait to launch into the new year of knitting!

Jenni's new year of new crafts
Our brand and content guru, Jenni is a knitting queen but is ready to broaden her crochet skills. Having never made a crochet garment, Jenni is ready to sink her crochet hooks into something new. Experimental crochet, unexplored pattern terrain, and learning jewellery making is what Jenni’s new year of crafting is going to be all about.

Cynthia's 2019 knit-solutions
Like many of us, our pattern designer Cynthia has a yarn stash bordering on unruly and is hoping to work through it, and definitely not add to it (until the next yarn sale comes along, that is). In 2018, Cynthia was all about smaller knits that she could gift. While she’ll still be doing this in the new year (because she’s just so nice), Cynthia really wants 2019 to be about longer knitting projects that are more special. She’s also planning on sewing some bridesmaid dresses, so her year is looking so super crafty, and we love it!
Irene's itch-free knits
For 2019, Irene is planning to cosy up her home with all things crochet. New and uncharted crochet pattern territory, and only non-itchy wools allowed, Irene’s makes will be the very cosy indeed. With 8 patterns in her new year collection, and a keen excitement to start everything at once, we’re thinking Irene will have plenty of WIPs to keep her occupied in 2019.
Amelie's search for the perfect cardigan
With many of her friends and family members having babies in the new year, Amelie’s knit-spiration is mostly baby focused. Gorgeous baby cardigans, hats, booties, and baby blankets aplenty is what Amelie’s new year of knitting is looking like! That doesn’t mean she’ll be forgetting about her own wardrobe needs though. Amelie is in the market for a stylish, slouchy cardigan, and will definitely be taking her time to knit the perfect one for herself this year.
Sarah's mini and me knits
Sarah is looking to push her knitting skills in 2019, learn as much as she can, and end the year a better knitter than how she started the year. With aims for gorgeous Debbie Bliss knits for her daughter, and colourful Paintbox Yarns knits for herself and the home, Sarah has a busy year of knitting, purling, and knitting needle maintenance ahead.

Mara's cosy new year
With autumn and spring knits on the brain in 2018, Mara was caught off guard by the sudden winter chill and so plans to knit herself cosy in the new year. With jumpers upon jumpers in her 2019 collection, Mara couldn’t be planning a cosier year of knitting. In amongst her jumper knitting extravaganza, Mara also has ambitious sewing goals and has challenged herself to sew something of decent quality in the new year.
Merion's new year knit-a-thon
Our copywriter Merion is rarely seen without yarn in hand. A self-confessed yarn obsessive (she even hides it around her house), Merion’s new year is going to be about learning how to embroider like a pro, and knitted garments! Knitted socks, and jumpers, cowls and cardigans, Merion will even be making some of Julie Williams’ tiny clothes because they’re just too adorable to resist. Just as long as her makes are knitted from beautifully soft and colourful yarns, Merion will be happy.