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Make a preemie project for World Prematurity Day

With 15 million babies born prematurely worldwide, World Prematurity Day on the 17th November 2019, is a great chance for us to gather as a knitting and crochet community and support the families who unexpectedly find themselves in the neonatal ward. 

Preemie babies are often at high risk and need extra medical support and monitoring. For families going through this stressful and challenging time, it means a lot to know they’ve got a supportive and caring community behind them.

Premature births occur all year round and can happen to anyone. Heartbreakingly, around the world prematurity is the number one cause of death for children under five. World Prematurity Day is a time for us to come together in a unified movement to open conversation and support families hands-on. 

Premature babies often need extra warmth which is where the knitting and crochet community can get involved! Handmade knitted or crocheted preemie hats, garments and blankets are a thoughtful and practical way to help. Designed to fit these precious and delicate little ones, preemie hats can be gifted to a family you know or even donated to your local hospital ward. There are plenty of nationwide charities to help you get involved, from wearing purple with the Born Too Soon campaign by Action, to Bliss' #WishIdKnown campaign.

We’ve rounded up some of our favourite FREE preemie hats

More FREE preemie projects to try

Baby soft yarns for your preemie project

More ways to get involved!