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Do you love teaching and have a strong foundational knowledge of knitting or crochet skills? The kids are going back to school, so why don’t you? If you live in the US or Canada, you could join the thousands of knitters and crocheters who’ve already gained the knowledge and confidence to teach others through the Craft Yarn Council’s Certified Instructors Program.

The Certified Instructors Program equips people with the tools to share their passion for knit and crochet with others and to “stitch it forward”. The program helps students build confidence in their crochet or knitting skills and the ability to convey these skills to others. The exclusive CIP Student and Graduate Facebook page also allows students to collaborate with other CIP students and graduates.

Since the program’s founding in 1982, more than 15,000 students have completed the course and gone on to teach in retail stores, adult education programs, and to share their knowledge with friends, co-workers and family. Students work with a nationally recognised Master Teacher and complete teaching hours to prove their proficiency.

Here are some fast facts about the program:

  • It’s offered via correspondence and occasionally as an on-site course
  • The correspondence course is divided into Level I and Level II
  • Students have six months to complete each level of the correspondence program
  • For the on-site course, there are 15 hours of class time held over a series of days at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York and the curriculum covers both levels

Can’t wait to start? Visit the Craft Yarn Council website for more information!