Hi Michelle I never go by the number of stitches they say....may have made it longer or shorter... I olways knit the first stich of every row and that gives a firm nobble to either stich up or pick up. I knit pick up nobble thne loop inbetween then noble until 9sts then miss 1 and start again kind of hard to explain..this works for me. Good luck x
That colour is delicious and look how fabulously you have picked up the stitches for the bands - I hate knitting cardis with bands as I’m not brilliant at the pick-up round the neck.
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• narre warren
Christine H
• Perth
Christine H
• Perth
Michelle M
• Queensland
Christine H
• Perth
Michelle M
• Queensland
Australian Jayne
• Noosa
Christine H
• Perth
Christine H
• Perth
Jennifer M
• Daleys Point.
Beth D