
Hats for our Melbourne friends

I made this for Our friends in Melbourne

Created by: Michelle M

  • Project Details


    I made these for our friends who live in Melbourne. We had a lovely wee break away and while I was there finished the cream one as well.😊😊


    • material-yarn
      Lion brand - Heartland βœ• 1 ball

    Needles & Hooks

    • Single Point 5.00mm (US 8) 35cm



    Notes: I used aran wool and that Mikki pattern




    Skill Level



    Started on: Feb 5, 2023 Finished on: Feb 19, 2023
  • Comments

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    • Dianne S

      β€’ Glasgow

      Love these hats Michelle, your cable work is so neat. Hope all goes well on the 14th, will be thinking about you. πŸ’•
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        Thank you Dianne just having fun making some little things.😊oh thank you Diannne I am bit worried about this one they don't seem to be very organised. I was thinking of you on Friday as I went into a lovely craft shop that do quilting and i asked them if they did lessons on cross stitching they don't but said i can pop in there and someone might be able to help.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ’•
      • Dianne S

        β€’ Glasgow

        @Michelle M: Wish you could pop over to Scotland Michelle and I could give you a few tips to get you started! I found the tutorials on the Bothy Threads website were all I really needed. Your knitting keeps you fully occupied though! I still miss knitting but my arm and hands don’t like it unfortunately. πŸ’•
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        @Dianne S: ohh I would love that Dianne but I think I will wait until it's a wee bit warmer.lol.πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚I will have another look at Bothy as I have those lovely Blue Heeler ones to do when I get experienced. I know you use the magnifier around your neck too. I still manage to knit but tend to knit hats and smaller garments as well.😊😊Have you started your next cross stitch you will have to post pictures so we can follow you.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ’•
    • Pam S

      β€’ Eldwick, Bingley

      Can’t be I missed these!
      And all these messages!
      Glad Jennifer was a great comfort to you during Michael’s emergency πŸ’—
      Take care my lovely friendπŸ’•
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        Well there could be a very good reason you missed these Pam you have been going through alot.😊It was very scary as no one knew what was wrong until the CT results came back.😊Have a restful day today my friend that is very scary Adeline being in hospital. Once again sending lots of love and positive thoughts.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ’•
      • Pam S

        β€’ Eldwick, Bingley

        @Michelle M: oh! What would I do without youπŸ’–
    • Linzi

      β€’ Rotorua

      Gorgeous hats Michelle, love the designs and the colours. Something for everyone😍. Sounds like you had a lovely break away πŸ’“
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        Thank you Linzi the hardest part was working out which patterns and sizes.lol.😊😊It was a lovely break now back to getting the front yard finished.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ’•
    • Sue C

      β€’ Bournemouth

      They're all beautiful, Michelle 😍 Wow, you've been busy! Love them all! Like the look of the sunshine 🌞 too, but know you're heading into winter so your friends will be so glad to have their fabulous hats. πŸ’•
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        Thank you Sue they don't take long and I was a good girl just used my stash, the hardest part was working out what everyone would like.😊😊It doesn't really get cold enough here for hats but Melbourne they will definitely need them.πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ’•oh I was trying to look up the name of the lady who makes the mjt dresses but I don't have Facebook.πŸ€”
      • Sue C

        β€’ Bournemouth

        @Michelle M: Your Melbourne friends will be so pleased with their gorgeous 😍 hats. That's a shame, Michelle, Sharene's work is beautiful. Glad it doesn't get too cold where you are Michelle, it's cold here today! πŸ₯Ά Hope you're alright, Pam said you're waiting for treatment. Look after yourself πŸ’•
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        @Sue C: sometimes if I use Michaels ipad it will let me see photos on Facebook so will try again.😊yes on the 14th March I am having gynae surgery and have to stay in 4 to 5 days as they call it major surgery. I am hoping they can work out what pain relief they can give me as I am allergic to everything so a wee bit nervous.😏Hope your daughters recovery is going well, sending lots of love.πŸ’•πŸ’•
      • Sue C

        β€’ Bournemouth

        @Michelle M: Not too far off, Michelle, you'll be glad to get the op over with and start your recovery πŸ€—. I'm sure they will find pain relief that works for you. Look after yourself, thinking of you πŸ’• Thank you for your good wishes too πŸ’•
    • Jennifer M

      β€’ Daleys Point.

      They are all fabulous Michelle, I especially love the blue cable hat with the Pom Pom and the beautiful pink ribbed hat.
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        Thank you Jennifer the blue one is for Sandy Dave's wife and the pink one and the owl one were for the girls. I thought the round box would be nice for him to take them home in.😊😊Well another busy weekend for you I hope you have a lovely time,😊
      • Jennifer M

        β€’ Daleys Point.

        @Michelle M: how was your break Michelle? Where did you stay after Port Macquarie and on the way home. It is a beautiful day here today. We had a 2metre diamond python in the garden yesterday . Greg put him in a bucket and we took it around and put it in the bush, I don’t know how he picked him up, I couldn’t even walk past him though I must have when I was going down to do some gardening. I don’t know where he came from . There is bushe across the road.
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        @Jennifer M: it was a lovely wee break away Jennifer so nice to see other beautiful places.😊ohh my golly a diamond python how cool is that, so did you take a photo.?😊😊we have all bush land across from us as well and someone saw a red bellied black snake a few months ago so I hope it stays across the road.lol.😊😊
      • Jennifer M

        β€’ Daleys Point.

        @Michelle M: We have a lot of Lizards but hopefully no more snakes. I’m glad you enjoyed your break.
      • Jennifer M

        β€’ Daleys Point.

        @Michelle M: We have a lot of Lizards but hopefully no more snakes. I’m glad you enjoyed your break.
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        @Jennifer M: we have lots of geckos and some water dragons, oh and some gorgeous green frogs, not the cane toads thank golly.😊😊It was nice to get away, I bet you can't wait to head off not long now only 6 more sleeps😊😊
      • Jennifer M

        β€’ Daleys Point.

        @Michelle M: I am counting Michelle. Liam and Saskia went home this morning, so now washing all the sheets and towels and will make up the bed for my sister and brother-in-law who are staying while we are away.
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        @Jennifer M: it will be lovely to get away Jennifer and enjoy seeing the beautiful sights.Dont forget you only have 1 small crate for all your knitting.lol.πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚Thank you for your support last night when Michael was in emergency it was very scary. He seems alot better today.😊😊
      • Jennifer M

        β€’ Daleys Point.

        @Michelle M: I am pleased he is a lot better. You can message or ring me any time. I just wish I was closer to help you. I have filled my crate, and I still have a couple of cupboards for new wool if I see it.
    • Karen P

      β€’ Bishop’s Stortford

      These are great Michelle. Is that an owl I spy on the cream one? xx
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        Thank you Karen it is a owl and the hat is supposed to be one of those slouchy ones so I hope one of the girls liked it.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ’•
      • Karen P

        β€’ Bishop’s Stortford

        @Michelle M: I’m sure they did Michelle. They are all lovely xx
    • Mary E

      What a lovely selection of hats. Nice gifts for your friends. Lovely colours and patterns.
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        Thank you Mary I had fun making them and I tried to make a selection as I don't really know what styles or colours they would like.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
    • Elaine C

      β€’ Sittingbourne

      Great selection of hats for your friends, did you finish the hat for Michael’s friend? Bella had a great Birthday with lots of beautiful gifts. Hope you enjoyed your break. πŸ’•πŸ’•
      • Michelle M

        β€’ Queensland

        Hi Elaine I ended up making 3 hats for Dave but just gave him the 2 in the picture. The other ones were for his wife and daughters and I just managed to finish the cream one but I didn't take any pom poms with me so Michael had to make that one.lol.😊😊Dave said the girls loved them and had fun swopping them, so that was nice. Oh I'm glad Bella had a lovely birthday and I hope you have some lovely photos. I have been thinking of you and hope your test results were good.πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜ŠπŸ’•πŸ’•
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