Meet IceCube, so called because she is the size of one. We are just back from a trip to Edinburgh and we took her along and decided to take photos of her in as many places as possible. Here is a selection
Ohh I was just looking at all your holiday pictures with ice cube, how lucky are you to have such happy memories Karen.I honestly cannot believe how fast that time has gone. 😊Stay safe.❤❤
Hey Michelle, this reminds me of our first trip to Sydney - we took a wee teddy bear and sent “Ted on Tour” pictures to our friends. On the first day in Sydney we found a wee pink koala bear the same size and made her Ted’s girlfriend Toala. We sent out their first picture from the steps of the Opera House saying “strewth mate, day one and Ted’s pulled” Oh the happy memories
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Michelle M
• Queensland
Liz M
• Edinburgh
Jean F