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EZ Tube Socks for 18-inch Dolls

EZ Tube Socks for 18-inch Dolls

Product Details

My twin granddaughters, Finley and Fiona turned 5 this September 2014 and I decided they were ready for their own 18-inch dolls this Christmas 2014. I've been having fun designing sewing patterns for dresses, panties, hats and coats but then I realized their feet look cold! So I set about to design quick and easy tube socks!

My pattern includes directions for making stockinette socks and ribbed socks. If you can knit in the round, you'll find these really easy and quick. If you prefer, you could adapt the pattern to knitting flat, then seamlessly join the edges with a mattress stitch.

As with all my patterns, if you have any questions as you work up the designs, please contact me at the Email address listed on the pattern. I'm always ready and eager to help my buyers have fun and end up with a spectacular result.

My model doll, Suzie, says hello to all the other dolls out there!

Lena's Legacy
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