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SAKURA motif

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By Yoko J
SAKURA motif

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Thank you for your support for Japan by purchasing my pattern.

Oct 10 2014: I donated $20 to Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Relief Fund by a GlobalGiving Project. Thank you.
May 01 2013: I donated 2000yen ( about $21 USD) to Japanese Red Cross. Thank you so much for your support.
Oct 17 2012: I donated 2500yen ( about $32 USD) to Japanese Red Cross. Thank you so much for your support.
Dec 29 2011: I've ordered 15 gas cartridges (2625yen) for a shelter in Ogatu Forest Park in Isinomaki-city in Miyagi prefecture, where, i read, there is no kitchen or no stove to boil water. The order was made through an Amazon Japan's project for Touhoku Japan, " Wish Lists for Japan Earthquake". I chose to use Amazon because we can meet victims' need right away, sending things they need now.
Thank you for your understanding.

May 04 2011: I just sent my first 7000yen (about $86 USD) donation to JAPANESE RED CROSS. (For confirmation of the payment, please see the photo at the

Yoko Johnston
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