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SEABREEZE refreshed

Downloadable PDF, English, German
SEABREEZE refreshed

What you'll need

bus width cm (finished size): 82 90 98 102 115 123
7 8 9 9 10 11
(opens in a new tab)
8 9 10 10 11 12
(opens in a new tab)
7 7 8 8 9 9
(opens in a new tab)
8 9 10 10 11 11
7 7 8 8 9 9
(opens in a new tab)
8 9 9 10 11 12
Tools & Other Supplies
3.50mm (US 4) Circular Needles – 80cm (32") (opens in a new tab)
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Product Details

Light and feminine

SEABREEZE refreshed is a completely seamless knit. Fronts and back are knitted in one piece from the bottom up, separated for arm holes and then joined with a 3-needle-bind-off at the shoulders. The front edging is worked as a part of the body, and nearly invisible button holes are integrated. To provide a perfect fit, you may add optional bust darts. The sleeves will be worked top down in the round after picking up sts from the armhole. Shaping is done with short rows (foto tutorial for the techniques included). Options for waist shaping or straight

Leicht und feminin. Wie sanfte Wellen kräuseln sich kleine Zöpfe die langen Bündchen hinauf.

SEABREEZE refreshed wird komplett nahtlos gestrickt. Die vordere Blende wird mitgestrickt und die Knopflöcher sind beinahe unsichtbar in den Zopf integriert. Für optimale Passform werden Brustabnäher eingearbeitet. Varianten: gerade oder mit Taillierung

Hinterm Stein
Downloadable PDF
English, German
any yarn matching the gauge of 25 stitches and 32 rows in 10cm jedes Garn das die Maschenprobe 25Maschen und 32Reihen in 10cm ergibt.
Number of patterns
Skill Level