10 cross stitch kits to make you smile
Published on March 15, 2021 By Grace 1 min read
When you smile all your happy hormones make you feel less stressed, and nothing makes us smile more than crafting! The lovely thing about cross stitching is that you get to enjoy the process of stitching, then you can display your stitch and enjoy it even more!
This jolly selection of 10 cross stitch kits is sure to make you beam from ear to ear...
Witty stitches
As well as bursting with happy colours, these Wool and the Gang kits will make you giggle every time you glance at them.
Furry friends
Is there anything more comforting than curling up right next to your furry friend? These colourful cushions make the perfect addition to your crafting corner.
Summer lovin'
The feeling of sun on your skin, the smell of flowers in the air, that ice lolly melting down your hand! There's something about summer that never fails to make us smile, so why not capture that in your next project?
Dream locations
Do you ever daydream and drift off to a place far far away? Maybe somewhere where the sun always shines, and you can spend your days peacefully crafting? If the answer is yes, then these kits are perfect for you!
Home is where the heart is
What better way to make home a happy place than by stitching up something cheery to pop on the wall?