Help combat loneliness by crafting all day with our livestream event
Published on February 23, 2021 3 min read
The last 12 months have been tough. Whether you have been directly affected by the pandemic or not, life as we know it has been turned upside down.
While some have had the support of family or roommates to help them get through, there are a lot of us who are living on our own. In the UK, seven million Brits live on their own, while in the US as many as 35 million people live in single-person households*. With long periods of isolation lasting for months at a time, there has been a big shift from people simply living alone to people feeling lonely.
We want to help bring a little joy to anyone who may be feeling particularly isolated or suffering with loneliness at the moment, by bringing people together for a fun and collaborative crafting event.
For six hours on April 15th between 2pm-8pm GMT (9am-3pm EST), we will be running a livestream make-along on our YouTube channel. You will be able to drop-in or drop-out at your leisure, or if you are really up for it, commit to the full session along with us.
During the session, the host will be guiding people through a series of creative makes, while at the same time discussing their experiences over the past 12 months and engaging with viewers in a communal celebration.
We are really excited about this event, but there is still one key element missing, we still need to find our host!
You do not need to be an expert craftsperson to be the host, what is more important is that you are a passionate crafter. The stream will be taking place for six hours, so you will also need bags of stamina to stay enthusiastic for the duration. You will also need to be happy to chat along as you are making, and respond to any comments and questions as they come in.
No previous experience in streaming is necessary, but it would be beneficial if you had an understanding of how streaming works and the logistics behind it.
Our vision is to create an online home for makers, which embraces inclusivity and diversity, where all races, religions, abilities, sexualities, genders, and bodies are welcome. We are particularly encouraging disabled, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic makers to apply as these are groups which are currently underrepresented in the craft and retail industries.
Applicants must be over the age of 18, and a strong, reliable internet connection is also a must.
The successful applicant will receive $420 for their time, plus we will also supply all the crafting materials to keep them going.

Crafting is an enjoyable hobby whether relaxing on your own or bonding with friends. Sadly, the last year has provided plenty of the former, and not much of the latter.
Edward Griffith, founder of, said,
“Crafting is an enjoyable hobby whether relaxing on your own or bonding with friends. Sadly, the last year has provided plenty of the former, and not much of the latter.
Our marathon make-along is going to be a super fun way to craft together while we're still apart. All we need now is the perfect host!"