Make a difference and knit for charity
Published on September 4, 2018 By Sarah 5 min read
Knitting for charity is the perfect way to do something kind all year round, plus it’s a lovely way to spread the joy of beautiful knitwear. If you’re looking for a charity to support but you’re not sure where to start, we’ve put together a list of amazing causes looking for knitting donations, as well as some great projects that we’re getting involved with ourselves. So, what are you waiting for? Pick up your needles, yarn and spread some woolly joy today!
How can I help?
Here at LoveCrafts we love our charities! If you’re looking to help others by using your trusty knitting needles, we have plenty of ways you can knit a little more joy into someone else’s life. Whether you’re knitting for a charity you love or donating by buying a charity pattern, there's so many ways to get involved! Why not host your own knit and bake sale or teach someone to knit? No matter the occasion, from National Random Act of Kindness Day on February 17 to International Day of Charity on 5 September, there are charitable knitting acts that you can do anywhere, anytime!
No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted." - Aesop

Which charities can I knit for?
If you love making charity knits, take a look at the worthy causes in your local area. Reach out to your local hospitals, shelters, hospices, charity shops, schools and care homes to find out if they can use the knits you can make. Further afield, there are so many worthy causes to knit for. Whether it's charity knits for babies, children, the elderly, animal shelters, homeless shelters or premature babies, there is no shortage of causes where you can donate handmade items. Here's a handful of the charities you can knit for:
Operation Gratitude
Operation Gratitude is an amazing charity in the US, aimed at bringing happiness and love to the servicemen and women. They do this by sending care packages to those serving as well as veterans. Why not pass on the love by putting your own care package together, complete with a cozy hand-knitted hat or scarf? Veteran Whitney Anderson’s ribbed hat and scarf patterns are designed especially for the charity and are free to download!
Operation Gratitude Knitting Patterns
Warm Up America
Warm Up America stitches communities together, sending handmade blankets, afghans and accessories to those in need. From community projects to hospitals, Warm Up America will send on your amazing creations to those in need. Hats, scarves, blankets and more - your donations will really make a difference! Read more »
Knitting for baby charities
Newborns in Need. If babies are your weakness, then join Newborns in Need as they gift baby necessities around the US to ill, impoverished or premature babies. Read more »
Knit a blanket to help the Ideas Partnership. Help the Ideas Partnership provide blankets to children and newborns in Kosovo by sending them in your own homemade knitted blankets. Read more »
Knit preemie hats. This is a small project to help a little one. Knit up a pattern made for premature babies then donate to your local hospital or a family you may know.
Knit up some preemie hats with these patterns
Knitting for women and children charities
Enchanted Makeovers. Help Enchanted Makeovers with their work to empower women and children in shelters by donating lap blankets. Read more »
The Pink Slipper Project. Help the Pink Slipper Project in their mission to warm the toes of women and children currently living in shelters by making and donating slippers. Read more »
Project Linus. You can help Project Linus with their work to help children in need and keep them warm by providing homemade blankets. Read more »
Binky Patrol. Binky Patrol work to provide binky blankets to women and children in shelters. You can greatly help their cause by donating yarn and binkies. Read more »
Knit for Kids. Knit for Kids works to help impoverished children worldwide, one knitted garment at a time. All knitted goods are welcomed by this dedicated charity. Read more »
Knit One, Cure One. This group of knitting enthusiasts create beautiful and wearable fiber art with 100% of their sale proceeds going towards the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. You can get involved by buying their wears, volunteering with them, or donating your own knitted goods. Read more »
Knitting for animal charities
The Snuggles Project. The Snuggles Project is a non-profit charity who work with displaced and homeless animals. They accept donations of blankets, towels and snuggles. Read more »

Knitting for health charities
NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness). The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) work to build better lives for those suffering from mental illness. Read more »
Mental Health America. Mental Health America (MHA) are the nation’s leading community-based non-profit who work to help those with mental illness and to spread awareness nation-wide. Read more »
The Creative Center. The Creative Center is a nonprofit d edicated to bringing the creative arts to those with chronic illness and cancer, as well as everyone else. Help their cause by donating yarn. Read more »
Patterns for charity
Feeling inspired to start knitting for charity? Check out our top charity knitting patterns, including adorable knits for babies and children, cosy blankets for someone in need, and animal knits for a fuzzy friend.
More charity knits
Make a difference. Literally. There are so many ways your knitting can impact your community. From knitting for a neighbour to hosting a knit and bake fundraiser! If you’re an experienced knitter or knitwear designer why not create a pattern for a good cause and donate the profits? Or start a knitting group in your local community? Proven to improve mental health by reducing anxiety and cultivating mindfulness, the act of knitting can be just as powerful as the finished project. It’s never been a better time to stitch it forward!
Do you knit for a charity? It warms our woolly hearts to see your special makes. Share your charitable knits with the knitting community.