How to organise a virtual MAL with your pals - with a free downloadable!
Published on February 10, 2021 2 min readWe’re always looking for an excuse to get together with our pals and there’s no better way to spend an afternoon than laughing with good friends and getting crafty! But when your besties are flung far and wide around the world (or we find ourselves in the midst of a global pandemic) it can be pretty hard to meet up with your friends. So let's take our MAL (that’s Make-A-Long my friends) online! This Palentine’s Day we’re launching an exclusive LoveCrafts MAL - so grab your pals and make along!
Samantha aka Bobble Club House is the queen of hosting knitflix nights and crafty online get togethers and she’s put together the ultimate guide to running your own virtual MAL in one handy downloadable - yippee!
How to organize a virtual make-a-long with your pals: the ultimate guide!
Pick the perfect project + order your materials!
Choose the pattern to suit you and your pals, whether it's a quick knitted hat in our Buffy & Willow MAL, a cozy blanket to crochet with our Tia & Tamara MAL, or a bit of embroidery Thelma & Louise MAL, we’ve got you covered! Each project is named after an iconic duo whose friendship makes our hearts sing, grab all the materials you need, and get ready to make!
Download a funky background for your virtual MAL!
Join the fun on Instagram and Facebook
Once you've downloaded your guide and invited your friends, don’t forget to share your MAL progress with us online! Tag @lovecraftscom on Instagram or share to the LoveCrafts Facebook page.
The Buffy & Willow MAL: Anya Knitted Beanie

Buffy and Willow are 90s BFF goals and what better fashion accessory is there than a cozy knit beanie hat to keep you warm while you're out slaying vamps? The Anya hat (sadly not named after our favorite vengeance demon) is a super simple knitting pattern you can make with your pals while binging your fave season of Buffy!
The Tia & Tamara MAL: Crochet Afghan Blanket

Whether you're a crochet connoisseur or just getting started, this crochet Afghan blanket is the perfect project to make with your sister, sisters in the Tia and Tamara MAL!
What you'll need for your MAL
The Thelma & Louise MAL: Embroidery stitch-a-long

The definition of ride or die friends, Thelma and Louise are the kind of pals we all need! The embroidery make-a-long is for those friendship groups where everyone has their own style. Everyone can choose an embroidery pattern to suit their vibe, and then use your make-a-long as an opportunity to learn a new embroidery stitch!