What you’ve been making in lockdown!
Published on May 1, 2020 By Holly Butteriss 3 min readDuring these difficult times many of us have turned to crafting to channel our emotions and find ways to support our communities.

Creating something from nothing is not only good for the soul it helps us share a little joy with the world. As makers, we have come out in our thousands to lend a hand to those in need and give back to our community. From a riot of rainbows, to PPE for frontline works - here are some of the amazing things you’ve been making in lockdown!
Thousands find hope at the end of a rainbow
The rainbow, a symbol of hope and promise of better times to come, has become a unifying emblem around the world. So many of you have been stitching, knitting and crocheting rainbows to hang in your windows, send to family and friends. We’ve even seen the wonderful maker Louise match her rainbow sweater her dog’s!
Jenny has yarn bombed her street with a burst of color, bringing a bit of joy to everyone who passed by. While Jane has stitched a lovely little rainbow to hang in her window. These little makes can bring so many moments of joy to your community! Keep smiling makers!

Joanna and Nicole are both making bright and beautiful rainbows that are sure to bring a burst of joy to everyone who sees them.

Fighting COVID-19, one make at a time
Makers have rallied together to help frontline key workers in any way they can. With PPE shortages our community have been making scrubs, face masks and mask mates in the thousands to donate to hospitals, hospices, carers and GPs across the world.
The incredible Wendy from Alresford has been making headbands with buttons for NHS workers and donating them to hospitals all across the UK.

Mask mates provide an alternative way to attach the mask to behind the head, helping protect the ears of our frontline workers. Makers like the kind souls, Sue and Jenny, have been busy knitting and crocheting lots of them to send to key workers!

Sally is being an awesome maker and fighting COVID-19 by making scrubs for NHS staff in Cornwall.

A heartful of love!
A quick knitted or crochet heart doesn’t seem like much, but to those working on the frontline, or to family members and friends you are unable to see right now, these little hearts let them know you’re thinking of them. Our makers have been whipping up lots of them to show our community just how much love we have to give!
Celiaa and Debbie have both been knitting hearts to donate to local hospitals.

Knitted nurses and crocheted doctors
Lots of us have been making our own mini heroes by knitting or crocheting dolls of frontline workers. Makers have been stitching up these little dolls to give to key workers and raise money to support them through these difficult times. Rachel has raised £108 so far by making these adorable little knitting nurses! And Caroline’s beautiful little bears that she has gifted to frontline family members and their coworkers - keep spreading that joy!

Maria has been busy knitting lots of different key workers in their uniforms - and the wonderful Captain Tom Moore! Maria is hoping to raise money for the NHS with her creations!