The ten types of knitter
Published on 6 August 2018 By Merion 2 min read
Is organisation your middle name when it comes to knitting? Or is creative chaos your thing? Everyone has their own knitting style and we think you should embrace it. Here are our ten types of knitters:
1. The beginner
You’ve got more holes in your first project than Swiss cheese, but everyone had to start somewhere, so call it lacework and wear it with pride!
2. The one stitch pony
You know your strengths, and your strengths are a garter stitch scarf. Everyone’s getting one and if they’re really lucky next year, they might get a matching hat.
3. The stash addict
It’s not so much about knitting with the yarn as buying it...and hiding it around the house. Is that a gap under the guest bed we see? Quick, buy more!
4. The planner
You’ve organised presents for the whole of next year – birthdays, Christmas, weddings. Now if people could just let you know before they plan to have a baby, that would really help.
5. The yarn snob
Someone tried to give you an acrylic yarn the other day and you visibly shuddered. 100% Peruvian alpaca only, please.
6. The speedster
You don’t know why you even bother casting on, seeing as you’ll be casting off so soon. You can make a pair of socks in the time it takes to make a cup of tea.
7. The male knitter
Not as rare as you may think, you male knitters are ones to be celebrated. With precision and skill, it's easy to see why some of the great knitwear designers like Martin Storey and Kaffe Fassett are members of this boys club.
8. The freestyler
Pattern? What pattern? Other knitters are in awe (and a bit jealous if we’re honest) of your ability to knit without a pattern.
9. The social knitter
You love a good get together over tea and biscuits or maybe even a glass of wine. If only you didn’t keep forgetting to bring your knitting.
10. The WIP knitter
You’ve got more left socks than even a bad dancer needs and so many jumpers without sleeves you’re hoping vests will make a come back - need another project bag?