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Macramé Kits
Looking to give macramé a go? Find everything you need to get started right here in one handy macramé kit! Complete with instructions and all the macramé cord you need to knot together a macramé masterpiece! Whether you're looking for a macramé plant holder kit or a wonderful wall hanging for your home, we've got you covered! For more macramé supplies, browse our macramé cord or head to our library of macramé patterns and books, full of inspiration!
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- 50% OffBluprint Cascading Fringe Wall Hanging KitEnglish$47.38 Old price $94.75
- 15% OffRico Stars Macramé Kit - 25 x 11cmEnglish, French, German$12.07 Old price $14.20
- 5% OffStitch Happy Deluxe Mid Grey Plant Hang Macrame KitEnglish$35.14 Old price $36.99
- 15% OffWool Couture Macrame Cushion Macrame KitEnglish$66.29 Old price $77.99
- 15% OffWool Couture Summer Time Plant Hanger Macrame KitEnglish$49.29 Old price $57.99