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Craft Yarn Council Launches #HumansThatYarn

Are you a #yarnist? A yarnist is anyone that crafts with yarn, and this fall the Craft Yarn Council (CYC) is following six humans that yarn to discover their inspiring stories. The ‘Humans That Yarn’ project will explore and reflect on the journeys of a varied group of self-identified yarnists as well as other yarny communities and experts in the industry.

This year’s Humans That Yarn looks to highlight the gorgeous variety of crafts that are available to yarn addicts and highlight some the incredible people that craft with yarn.

If you want to discover more about this amazing CYC campaign and to share yarny joy with the world, there’s going to be social media interviews, blog posts, videos and gorgeous pictures to get you all inspired. There’s knitting, crochet, weaving, embroidery, tips, tricks, free patterns, and all sorts of yarny crafty goodness to fill your yarnist heart with happiness!

Just tag your makes with #humansthatyarn and #yarnist and don’t forget to check out CYC on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest for daily updates, projects and giveaways.