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Provident, ut non re.

Ever find patterns a little bit cryptic? (Don’t worry! You’re not alone.) Whether you’re new to the knitting game or just need a refresh, we’ve put together an encyclopedia of all those nifty abbreviations and what they mean so you won’t be left scratching your head.

Knitting Abbreviations Explained

Knitting Abbreviation





work instructions between parentheses as many times as directed


work instructions between brackets as many times as directed


repeat instructions from the single asterix as directed


repeat instructions until double asterix as directed










bind off (continental or English)


colour A


colour B


contrasting colour


centered double decrease. sl2 tog, K1, pass the slipped stitches over (together) English or Continental


chain (using crochet hook). Start with a slip knot.




cable needle: short knitting needle, used as an aid in the twisting of a cable.


cast on / off




2 L 2 stitches to the left (to work a cable). Slip 2 stitches p­url wise onto a cable needle, let cable needle hang in front of work as you knit the next couple of stitches; then knit stitches off of cable needle.


2 R 2 stitches to the right (to work a cable). slip 2 stitches purl ­wise onto a cable needle, let cable needle hang in back of work as you knit the next couple of stitches; then knit stitches off of cable needle.


double crochet




Double Knitting weight yarn. Slightly finer than worsted weight.


aka dp double pointed needle(s). A short needle with points at both ends, used in sets or 4 or 5, for knitting in the round.


end of needle


end of row


front cross (when working a cable)

Rich table

First line

Second line

Third one

Lorem Ipsumis simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Lorem Ipsumis simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Lorem Ipsumis simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

Lorem Ipsumis simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s,

No table

Small table






Laborum. Totam sunt.

Modi aliquid nemo et.

Corrupti, ipsum quis.

Voluptate obcaecati .

Perferendis quod omn.

Cum non cum quis sus.

Reprehenderit facere.

Minus officia conseq.

Aut odit officiis al.

Suscipit sit, conseq.

Tempore, et nulla do.

Natus aperiam verita.

Maxime obcaecati dui.

Adipisicing fuga. Do.

Eius ea officia porr.

Sint molestias dolor.

Ut exercitation in a.

Do adipisci eu ullam.

Inventore officiis q.

Quia labore omnis Na.

Pariatur. Repudianda.

Optio, elit, quo nis.

Aperiam explicabo. E.

Lorem dolores volupt.

Asperiores nobis inc.

Ut illum, ipsum nemo.

Nostrud sed voluptat.

Aperiam dolorum veni.

Corrupti, possimus, .

Saepe voluptatum fac.

Dolor quod ut simili.

Quos voluptate non q.

Labore atque volupta.

Tempore, amet, ipsam.

Vel dolore quia volu.

Est, reprehenderit, .

Eveniet, quibusdam a.

Ut et et quasi commo.

Et repellendus. Quas.

Fugiat, non voluptat.

Modi reprehenderit o.

Dignissimos molestia.

Dolores praesentium .

Excepturi voluptatem.

Nostrud quisquam eos.

Quam eaque aut fuga.

Facilis voluptates d.

Et ea incidunt, dolo.

Reprehenderit, moles.

Eiusmod dolor et dol.

Ut laborum. Ut aut q.

Quia omnis eius enim.

Commodi id, qui assu.

Praesentium eu nostr.

Deserunt est, ullamc.

Dolorum ratione labo.

Non eaque doloribus .

Itaque exercitatione.

Sit eiusmod consequa.

Accusantium sint non.

Do sit ut ex ex iure.

Elit, omnis est, qui.

Autem mollit ea dele.

Voluptate laborum et.

Amet, perferendis qu.

Esse dolor quod aspe.

Sed excepturi blandi.

Voluptatem aut fuga.

Minus sed consequatu.

Dolore ipsum ut qui .

Praesentium sunt et .

Asperiores sint, ame.

Dolores optio, dolor.

Assumenda suscipit a.

Non repudiandae dolo.

Ipsum, officia enim .

Proident, sint, veli.

Occaecat provident, .

Eiusmod dolorem quia.

Aut qui non officiis.

Delectus, atque ut p.

Aliquip at blanditii.

Adipisci est, alias .

Dolor error tempora .

Harum voluptatem sit.

Dolores amet, volupt.

Odit amet, et maxime.

Qui autem et quo ali.

Eius aliquip aut sun.

Voluptate autem inve.

Placeat, nihil eu et.

Placeat, laboris err.

Commodi voluptas sap.

Corporis molestiae q.

Sit, magnam cumque c.

Et et nisi similique.

Qui ipsa, eligendi i.

Culpa temporibus vol.

Dolorum incididunt m.

Natus dignissimos fu.

Iure architecto est .

Quod harum deleniti .

Aspernatur vitae dol.

Minim excepteur quis.

Incidunt, hic tempor.

Duis facere eum mole.

Ea ipsum qui velit, .

Ab sequi quod laudan.

Impedit, asperiores .

Proident, enim minus.

Non nisi unde culpa.

Voluptatem, culpa, p.

Quos vero qui accusa.

Dolore laboris Nam r.

Quisquam aut et inve.

Qui illum, labore ei.

Quasi tempora assume.