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Quiz: What sock are you?

Have you ever looked at your cosy little tootsies and thought “If I were a sock, what would I be?”. No, probably not. But don’t get cold feet, our sock quiz is full of heel-arious questions, to understand your socktacular personality! So if you’re born again as a sock, you’ll know where you stand. Get ready to seriously knock your socks off!

Q1. It’s autumn and a new term is in full swing. How do you spend your Saturday afternoon?

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    You’re at the heart of the protest.
    Whether it’s climate change or rallying for equality - you’re passionate about being the change in your community. Power to the people!

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    Enjoy an autumn stroll through the park. You know the importance of self care. On your days off you like pause and admire the wonders around you, recharging with a pumpkin spice latte to hand, of course!

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    Hit up a cool art exhibition in town.
    You love visiting hip art galleries, music gigs, street food festivals and anywhere where you can get a vibe for new cultures or experiences.