In December, following a surgical complication my mum became paraplegic.
Mum and I are close and it completely rocked my world. To start with I couldn't knit anything with a pattern, had to abandon all my projects and simply knitted vanilla socks in pretty hand dyed yarn from a friend. As mum left the acute treatment at hospital and went to rehab to learn how to live again I found I was able to knit simple patterns, and I chose this one to knit for mum,something simple to keep on her bed to pop around her shoulders In the morning before getting up. It packs small so when she gets home in June it can be there in a bag with her phone and other daily necessities.
Knitting has helped me put aside my thoughts and feelings and just be me for an hour or more each day (sometimes a *lot* more) rather than heartbroken me.
Knitting has kept me going. And it is *so* much less expensive than my psych bills.
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Maryanne R
• Brisbane
Judy G
• Brentwood
Tracy P
Alison B
• Portsoy
• Devon
• Wakefield