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Easter is coming and that means EGGS - if you're partial to a boiled egg for breakfast or you just love to knit and crochet little covers for chocolate eggs, we've gathered all our egg cozies into one basket for you! We're eggstremely eggcited to share this eggxquisite collection with you!

Go stashbuster silly with this range of egg cozies and covers - they don't take very much yarn and you can knit or crochet lots at a time to surprise your nearest and dearest this Easter. From the hilarious Easter Hare by Needles and Pins pictured above, to the sweetest Alpaca Egg Cozy we have ever seen, we just know you'll be creating some fine eggxamples of these eggcellent patterns for your Easter shellebrations!

Little friends

Eggnite your passion for Easter with a grown-up egg cozy! In our eggsperience, Easter is not just for children - most grown-ups are delighted to find a fun cozy on their boiled eggs and anybunny who isn't eggstatic needs more chocolate!

Grown up egg cozies

Make breakfast boiled eggs eggstra fun on Easter Sunday with a cuddly egg cozy on top, or hide chocolate eggs inside super cute covers for the little ones to find...

Egg cosies for kids

Chick out these gorgeous free patterns and dig into your stash - make them for charity or gifts - they'd be eggcellent for a school fair or church sale.

Free egg cozy patterns

About the author

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Merion Willis

Merion Willis is Craft Editor at LoveCrafts. A lifetime knitter and crafter extraordinaire, Merion believes “making and mindfulness go hand-in-hand”. She is certain she was a maker straight from birth, never stopped pestering her mother to make things as a child, and now she champions every craft there is! A keen baker, gift maker and passionate advocate of home made, Merion is also co-host on The LoveCrafts Show, the podcast which sees her and Mr X Stitch chat to craft influencers about the benefits of learning a new skill, and how to stitch away stress through crafting. (opens in a new tab)