World Wide Knit in Public Day: Better living through stitching together
Published on June 9, 2020 By Yaz 2 min readWhat started in 2005, as a way for knitters to gather in their local community, has since grown into a fabulous global celebration! With this year’s World Wide Knit in Public Day taking place on Saturday 13th June 2020, we reminisce on the joy of past WWKiP events and explore how we can stitch together safely in these topsy-turvy times!

While knitting is a brilliant craft to enjoy solo, for those who have found themselves at home on their own, especially in these tricky times, crafting can get a little lonesome. Part of the joy of making is giving to others and sharing the journey, which is why, in 2005 Danielle Landes had the fab idea of going public with her passion. Gathering neighbors and her community for a united stitch-along one summer’s day, the first Knit in Public Day was born. Ever since then there’s been no going back!
WWKiP day is really about showing the general public that knitting can be a community activity in a very distinct way... there are many different knitting groups that never interact with each other, on WWKiP Day they come together in one place, making them hard to miss.’ Danielle Landes
Organised by knitters for knitters
Every year, hundreds of events are hosted by local knitters all around the globe. From China to Australia, South Africa to Sweden, in parks and public spaces, stations and cafes, knitters gather and give their fave craft some much deserved PDA, in what is now the largest knitter run event in the world!

How to host a World Wide Knitting in Public Day event in 2020
While nothing can beat that warm fuzzy feeling of gathering together in person, we believe health is wealth, so don’t forget to check your local Government Covid-guidelines before planning or attending an WWKiP day this year. Why not host a virtual event? It’s never been a better time to get creative!

Top tips for hosting a WWKiP event
Decide on a space.
If you’re able to meet up safely in a public outdoor space make sure everyone feels comfortable with the location. If meeting up is off the table, why not try a virtual public space? From Facebook or Instagram Live to Zoom meeting rooms. There are lots of ways to get creative with your community!
Invite others to join!
Whether it’s word of mouth, chatting to your neighbors, getting in touch with local groups or connecting on social media, there are oodles of ways to reach out, find your group or invite a friend to try something new!
Plan. Plan. Plan.
Decide what kind of WWKiP event you’d like to host. Pick a fun theme to jazz things up. Make a schedule for the day so people can drop in. Will there be workshops? Beginner lessons and technique sessions are great for sharing and learning new skills.
Don’t forget the tea and cake. (For energy of course!)
And most importantly have fun!
Past events
In 2014 we had the joy of hosting our very own WWKiP event at London’s vibrant Kings Cross station. From holding free beginner mug warmer workshops to lace knitting classes, we loved sharing our passion with others and seeing people unite through craft. The event was so popular we almost ran out of chairs!