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Product Details
Bee Wise. Bee Kind. Bee Thoughtful. Bee Good. Bee OK with Who You Are.
Just BEE Yourself. My father-in-law was a beekeeper and had a van with no seats in it except the front two. He used it to transport hives and there were always a few stray bees in it. I learned so much in that time. Honey never goes bad, as long as no water gets into it. Crystallization is ok, just heat slowly to re-liquefy. Bees are extremely important to our world. Enjoy this homage to one important little BEE-ING. And thank you to Sophie Allport for the inspirational Mug!
- Brand
- Independent Designer
- Craft
- Knitting
- Designer
- Idle Hands Knits
- Format
- Downloadable PDF
- Language
- English
- Notes
- Pom Pom or Tassel if desired. Add extra yardage if making either.
- Number of patterns
- 1
- Pages
- 5
- Skill Level
- Intermediate
- Yarn Weight
Light Fingering