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Beethoven Mitts

Downloadable PDF, English, German
Beethoven Mitts

What you'll need

One size only: 10“ [25 cm] in length and 7“ [18 cm] circumference
Storm (102)
(opens in a new tab)
Cloud Grey (127)
(opens in a new tab)
Tools & Other Supplies
US 4 (3.5mm) Double Pointed Needles – 6" (15cm) (opens in a new tab)
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Product Details

I live in a sleepy little German town. People here are friendly, the cityscape dotted with trees and parks, and life meanders at a gentle pace.

Once it was the bustling capital, but now Bonn is best known for its congeniality, past glory and one very famous inhabitant. Every heart in Bonn swells with pride at the mention of his name; Ludwig van Beethoven.

To the bewilderment of tourists, shops in the city center may not open until almost noon, but come rain or shine they will find an imposing statue of this most famous resident dominating the center of the town square.

The statue has always held special significance for Melanie. It’s a touchstone; something that represents home. In the summer people sit at his feet, chatting, relaxing, enjoying the sun. But when winter’s chilly winds and snow drive the city dwellers inside, the big guy stands there alone, steadfast, braving the elements.

The mitts can be knit in any sport weight merino yarn. An example is shown below.

Melanie Berg
Downloadable PDF
English, German
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