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Happy Little Sunflower

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Happy Little Sunflower

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This is the first in my series of pot plants and its pretty adorable! The idea for this special flower came from end of year teacher gifts ! If you have kids like me then you'll be aware of the awesome work our teachers do each year, these past two years especially with the added global pandemic & disruptions due to lock-downs. My eldest has had her particular teacher for 3 years now and I think that's pretty special. We aren't sure whose class she will be in next year so we wanted to make her something super special. Every time I see a sunflower it just brightens my day, My daughter has one of those smiles that does the same & is known by a lot of people at school as smiley, so I thought hopefully it may be a reminder of the bright smile my daughter comes into school with each day !

So enough gushy gushy, lets get started on how we made it !

Isalia Crochet
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Wire to add extra stability in stalk
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