12 yarntastic yarn bombs from around the world
Published on April 2, 2020 By Sarah Jones 3 min read
Yarn bombing: is it graffiti, art, or both? Knitters and crocheters take to the streets around the world to bring some and color to their neighbourhood streets. Many successful yarn bomb projects have transformed big name statues into woolly works of art. Check out these 12 fun yarn bombs from around the world, created by knitters and crafters just like you. Such large scale projects and some innovative, crazy and colorful yarn bombs!
Copehnagen, Denmark
Image source: Time.com
Spotted in the city, this pink tank certainly makes a statement. The pink doesn't do much for camouflage, but you might see it on fashion runways in Paris!
Helsinki, Finland
Image source: Pinterest.com
Thousands of afghans were put together on the steps of the Helsinki Cathedral in Finland to try and break the world record for the largest patchwork quilt. All of the blankets were donated to charity after the event.
Massachusetts, USA
Image source: Parkablogs.com
No one would dare steal a bike when it's leaning up against this cheery bike rack, would they? These boring racks were gussied up with some fun and funky striped yarn bombs to brighten up the town.
Pittsburgh, USA
Image source: Streetiam1.com
This bridge was named for the famous artist, Andy Warhol. It's located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and it was yarn bombed to spectacular visual effect! We think Andy Warhol would be proud.
Reykjavik, Iceland
Image source: Streetcolor.wordpress.com
Some fashionable crafter yarn bombed this bus in Iceland's capitol! We think that all public transit should look like this - it might make people a lot happier on their commutes.
Chicago, US
Image source: Funniez.com
This squidy tree is hanging around in Chicago, Illinois. Maybe the squid escaped from Lake Michigan, or maybe it just really loves sidewalk trees. We may never know.
Austin, USA
Image source: Knithacker.com
Anyone who's ever lived in Texas knows that it's important to ''Keep Austin Weird.'' This yarn bomb might look weird to some Texans, but rest assured it's right at home in the sunny city of Austin.
Utah, USA
Image source: Happyvalleycrafters.com
Back in 2012, the world renowned Sundance Film Festival got a taste of yarn bombing. This yarn bomb was sponsored by Yahoo! and involved knitting around giant exercise balls - you know, those things we all buy in the first week of January and then never touch again.
London, UK
Image source: Eventmagazine.co.uk
This bus, sponsored by 7up, was seen sporting some very bright neon yarns as it drove around in central London. We hear that some people have petitioned the mayor to replace the traditional red buses with these extra bright versions, but no word back on that yet. (Kidding!)
Washington D.C, USA
Image source: Arrestedmotion.com
An enterprising crafter covered this huge Albert Einstein statue in pink and purple camouflage yarn to great success. Albert definitely won't get cold this winter!
New York, USA
Image source: Pinterest
The Wall Street bull was yarn bombed with similar yarn to Albert Einstein. Even bulls need to keep warm in the frigid New York City winters!
Belfast, UK
Image source: Sluggerotoole.com
Someone yarn bombed a flock of sheep, possibly winning ''funniest yarn bomb'' in history. This sculpture is in Belfast, Northern Ireland!