
Hat for Roxanne from left over yarn

Dieses Projekt ist für My daugher

Erstellt von Jean F

  • Projektdetails


    Love the WYS Croft Yarn. Had a hank of yarn left over from my jumper and wanted to make something. Hence a hat came to mind. Ended up ordering a extra hank just in case. However only went into the second one for the pompon. Plenty in one hank for hat with contrasting pompom. Two hanks enough for hat plus Head Band with some left over. Can definately reccommend this pattern, well written clear easy to follow instructions. Numerous sizes from baby to adult. Instructions are given in pattern for knitting flat or in the round. Love the finished item, very tempted to keep for myself and order more yarn to make another one forRoxanne.
    Also have a strong feeling my friend just might need a new hat for Christmas.



    • Circular 5.00mm (US 8) 40cm
    • Circular 4.50mm (US 7) 40cm
    • Double Point 5.00mm (US 8) 20cm
    Andere : Knitted most of the hat on 40 cm circular needle.
    Changing to DPN's for last bit of shaping at the top of the crown.


    • Zopfstricknadel
    • Sticknadeln
    Andere : Pompom maker. You can buy these cheaply, great gadgit to have, makes super pompoms in various sizes.



    Notizen Worked number of pattern repeats as stated. This fits me with the rib turned back.


    • Kopfbedeckung
    • Frauen





    Stand des Projekts

    Angefangen am 16.04.2021 Fertiggestellt am 20.04.2021
  • Kommentare


    10 Kommentare

    • Vix

      North Walsham

      Got to love a pom pom nearly as big as your head! I am sure Roxanne will love it
      • Jean F

        Yes thought medium or big, 🤔No contest went for the big one went for the big one ! x
    • Pure Hand Knits / Linda Whaley

      I've just shared your gorgeous knitting and sent everyone to look at your project here on LoveCrafts. Here's the link to my post for you: https://www.facebook.com/lindawhaleyknittingpatterncollections
      Thanks again for choosing Oscar!
      • Jean F

        Thank you Linda, though have to admit most of the credit goes to the pattern and the yarn. Can’t go wrong really . Pleased you liked it 😊
    • Pure Hand Knits / Linda Whaley

      Hi Jean, Thanks so much for choosing Oscar! So pleased to hear you enjoyed the pattern. I've not seen this design knitted in West Yorkshire Spinners Croft... love it!
      • Jean F

        Thank you Linda pleased you like it. It’s a good pattern will definitely use again. Great combination with WYS Croft one of my all time favourite yarns. 😊
    • Lynn A


      Great hat, lovely cables. Really like this colour of Croft.
    • Mary E

      I love this pattern knits up beautiful. The yarn you have used looks lovely nice and warm.
      • Jean F

        Thank you Mary. Yes a really good pattern and just love the Croft Yarn. Can’t fail 😊
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