
My wee bear hat

Dieses Projekt ist fĂŒr I'm not sure

Erstellt von Michelle M

  • Projektdetails


    I saw these hats and thought they would be fun to make and put away for presents, I love using Pat's patterns as they are so easy to follow. Well I started it this morning and finished this afternoon and I'm really happy with how it has turned out,oh and I am using up my stash.lol.😊


    • material-yarn
      Vintage breeze - Peach ✕ 1 KnĂ€uel


    • MĂŒtzen





    Stand des Projekts

    Angefangen am 15.12.2019 Fertiggestellt am 15.12.2019
  • Kommentare


    43 Kommentare

    • Sandy R

      ‱ Whidbey Island

      This is so adorable Michelle. Love these. 💕
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        Thank you Sandy they were fun to make as i like knitting hats.😊😊
    • Sandra A

      ‱ Springwood

      So sweet
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        Thank you Sandra I have been wondering of you are ok as they said there are devastating fires in the Blue Mountains and I'm sure that were you are.đŸ€”đŸ˜Š
      • Sandra A

        ‱ Springwood

        @Michelle M: I'm in Springwood - the fires are still to the north and south at this stage - the next few days will show how we go!
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Sandra A: oh I will keep my fingers crossed for you Sandra, it is so scary. I just heard fires in the Blue Mountains and thought of you, I heard they lost so much of the beautiful National park.I hope you have a nice Christmas.
      • Sandra A

        ‱ Springwood

        @Michelle M: Thanks Michelle - a wonderful Christmas to you and your family too
    • Elaine C

      ‱ Sittingbourne

      This is so cute Michelle, Bella would just love it, maybe i will knit her one
      Your stash is going down thick & fast 😘
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        Thank you Elaine, it says it goes up to 7 years but it is stretchy so I'm sure you would be fine, I think she would love it.😊😊Well my stash was going down beautifully then I called into our local shop to get some eyes and 7 balls later, but !! it was reduced from $4 A ball to $1.60 for Aran wool, and I can't resist a bargain.lol.😊😊
      • Elaine C

        ‱ Sittingbourne

        @Michelle M: thank you 😊
        That sounds very familiar 😘
    • Sonya H

      ‱ Lake Macquarie

      Absolutely gorgeous
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        Thank you Sonya, I am really happy how it turned out.😊
    • Grace and Bailey

      ‱ London

      Such a beautiful hat! Love the cute little bear!
    • Dianne S

      ‱ Glasgow

      Wow, that was a quick knit indeed Michelle! Love the colours you have used, think of all the hats you could make in a week!
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        Thank you Dianne, well I have nearly finished another one, they are fun an would you believe I brought the wool 8 years ago.😉😊
      • Dianne S

        ‱ Glasgow

        @Michelle M: can’t wait to see your next one! 😄
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Dianne S: I am looking forward to seeing your gnilla.😊
      • Dianne S

        ‱ Glasgow

        @Michelle M: Well I finished knitting her today, if you could just sew her up for me...
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Dianne S: nope, do you see that teeny tiny wee nose it took me 5!!! attempts to get it right, so I don't think you will be wanting me to sew up your precious gnilla.lol.😊
      • Dianne S

        ‱ Glasgow

        @Michelle M: well that wee nose is just perfect so it was worth the effort!
    • Joelle W

      That’s soooo cute!!
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        Thank you Joelle, It was so much fun to make.😊
    • Pat A

      Now that is one very sweet, perfectly crafted hat! he has such a sweet face and I love the pom pom. Well done :) xx
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        Oh thank you Pat, it was really fun to make.The hats so easy then the wee bear just finished it off. Thank you for another fantastic pattern, I am having a wonderful time knitting them.😊
    • Denise C

      Ahh! This is so cute, MIchelle. Who will be the lucky girl who gets the hat? Now this is something I could fit in before Christmas and give it as a present to my Granddaughter! Looks like another pattern will be winging its way in to my pattern library lol.
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        Im not sure Denise my niece lives in Queensland so too hot, maybe my OT's wee girl.Yes it's a lovely quick pattern and I love the way the bear looks like He is peeking over a fence.You definitely have heaps of time to make one for your granddaughter. 😊
      • Denise C

        @Michelle M: Have got the pattern but i don't have any chunky wool. So today, it was a choice between putting marzipan on 4 xmas cakes or going to my local shopping centre for wool. I chose the cakes as the marzipan has to dry before icing and then the icing has to dry before I can give them as gifts. Tomorrow, I will get some wool and I can knit my little hat while the marzipan is drying lol. Hopefully my local wool shop will have a nice colour in chunky wool, although the choice is sometimes limited.
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Denise C: well I would have gone to the shops, that's something else I cannot do Denise, there is a real art to cake decorating you are very clever.I was lucky as I have had this wool sitting there for at least 5 years and I only have 4 colours to chose from.you have plenty of time Denise and it's knitted on big needles,oh I used 6 and 5mm as not so hard on my hands.😊
      • Denise C

        @Michelle M: I will be standing outside of the wool shop waiting for it to open tomorrow lol. I will be so disappointed if they don't have a colour I like! I was also thinking I could knit a hat for her little friend Robyn. She has the most gorgeous thick curly Auburn hair but I'm not sure what colour would suit her best.
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Denise C: ok I'm meet you there and we will have a cup of tea and cake afterwards,then I have to pop round to Diannes and help her with her gnilla she's up to the dreaded sewing up stage.lol.so you could come too and we could have another cup of tea and maybe another wee bit of cake.lol.😁😁
        I think a pretty green or cream for Robyn, fingers crossed they have some nice chunky wool.😊😊
      • Denise C

        @Michelle M: Well I have got a dusky pink for Jess and an oatmeal colour for Robyn. I don't have 6.5 mm needles but didn't realise until I needed them. I will try and get some today. I would use smaller needles but Jess has quite a big head and it might be too small if I use them. If I had realised I would have knit the bigger size and used smaller needles.
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Denise C: oh thats exactly the colours i would have chosen, but you know Denise I was at our local shop yesterday and they didnt have any plain chunky wool it was all variegated. So I'm stuck with white, grey, peach and blue.😊Actually Denise I used 6mm and at the beginning of the pattern Pat actually tells you how to do a stretchy rib, yep I never saw that till I was half way through, but I think if you did that rib and a bigger size you would be fine, check with Pat maybe.😊😊
      • Denise C

        @Michelle M: I used the stretchy cast on method but when I finished the rib I could see the hat was not very wide. So, I broke off the yarn threaded it through the stitches and took it up to my daughter in law's and tried the rib around Jess's head. It wasn't big enough. I am now knitting the next size using 6 mm needles for the rib and it looks a much better size. It has to be said Jess has got a big head lol. She is only 17 months old! I called into John Lewis on the way home for my needles and spotted some King Cole Big Value Chunky in Heather, very like the purple hat on the pattern. So that is another ball of wool added to my stash!
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Denise C: oh so I am not the only one who was busy using up their stash and then walked into the shop and that was it lol. I have an online order sitting waiting for me to push "buy".lol.The Heather colour will be lovely too Denise.I so couldn't get the stretchy rib instructions to work so just used my usual method.Its lucky you could pop round and try it on Jess good luck with your knitting they are fun to make.😊😊
      • Denise C

        @Michelle M: I kept forgetting whether I was doing a knit or a pearl It took me 5 attempts before I got the cast on right.
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Denise C: when I tried to look at the stretchy rib instructions it said no longer available so I think I am doing something wrong.đŸ€”
      • Denise C

        @Michelle M: I have finished the hat but have struggled with the motif. I chose the monkey but it didn't look like a monkey when I put it together. I don't know if I have done the ears right either I have had to do some nifty stitches to try and make the shape of the face more monkey like. It has taken me longer to do the face than it did to knit the hat! Not quite finished yet but hopefully I will get it done soon.
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Denise C: the hats the easy bit then you think oh nearly finished.lol.i had to redo the nose on the bear 5 times before I was happy. I was thinking if you are still not happy you could always hand stitch some of your fur above the nose and turn it into a wee bear, it would look nice. I think monkeys are hard to do Denise.let me know how you go.😊😊
      • Denise C

        @Michelle M: I agree, monkeys are hard to do. I've done the opposite and hand stitched around the face to try and make it more like a monkey lol. I might just give up and do a mouse or a bear instead!
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        @Denise C: The mouse was actually easy,but don't tell anyone,lol, 😉I actually forgot to add the wee nose part and didn't realise until it was too late. the bear was fun, I'm just not very good at embroidery,so I had to redo the nose but I'm sure you would be fine.😊😊
    • Jennifer M

      ‱ Daleys Point.

      It is gorgeous Michelle. You have done such a beautiful job of the bear. Did you make the pom pom? I'll have to do one for Aahana next winter.
      • Michelle M

        ‱ Queensland

        Thank you Jennifer Aahana would look gorgeous in this wee hat.That pom pom was in my cupboard like the wool and it was just the perfect colour.No you know me and pom poms.lol.😊
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